"The numbers, unfortunately, are still high, even if they are stabilizing - said Fugatti - and the increase in infections could be attributed, as mentioned in recent days, to the increase in the number of swabs administered. 800 today. This is as well thanks to the activity of CIBIO, which in the next few days will lead to a further growth increase in swabs administered, with particular attention to nursing homes. Thanks to the collaboration of the Civil Protection, around 360 thousand masks were also distributed to food stores ".
President Fugatti then spoke of the recovery phase, the so-called Phase 2. “We are certainly thinking about it, but the opinion of the scientific community will be fundamental. We must take into account that the restrictions introduced so far have led to a stabilization and a drop in the numbers of infections. In any case, the recovery phase will not immediately take us back to the situation preceding the outbreak of the pandemic ". The president then reported that he asked the government commissioner to intensify police checks during Easter, especially on second homes, and he launched an appeal to the Trentino people. "If you notice speculation on masks' prices, report them to the police, because it is obviously unacceptable."
Traduzione a cura di Opera Universitaria