Venerdì, 27 Marzo 2020 - 10:45 Comunicato 640

Trentino is united and systematizes Cooperation

12 deaths from Coronavirus were recorded yesterday, bringing the total deaths in Trentino to 86. 121 new infections recorded, for a total of 2122 in Trentino. Yesterday the contagion trend was falling for the second consecutive day. 117 recovered people recorded. Currently 66 people are in intensive care, 33 in semi-intensive.
“We want to continue to increase the number of swabs - said the president Maurizio Fugatti during the usual update press conference - and to do this we are relying on our local scientific community, the University, Fbk, Fem and Cibio. Until a few weeks ago nobody was betting on swabs. Today, things have changed. In Trentino, welcoming the appeals from the Order of doctors, we want to achieve this goal: 1500 tampons per day, in line with what the other regions are doing. We have the project of producing masks and other protective material 'made in Trentino', which we are developing with the support of Confindustria Trento and of around ten companies that decided to partially convert their production ".

Trentino, said President Fugatti, "is proving to be united and capable of forming a cooperative system to overcome this emergency with the contribution of all".

The dean of Trento University, Paolo Collini, reported on the efforts being made to increase the number of swab kits available. Unfortunately, the reagents are difficult to find on the market. However, the operation is being carried out manually with the reagent that was found and with the help of about sixty people who made themselves available. In the next few days we will try to reach the intermediate goal of 1000 tampons per day.

Health councilor Stefania Segnana is very satisfied with the excellent results of "Trecovid19", the app developed by Trentino 4.0, which will soon be available to remotely monitor all home-hospitalized patients. The new app is currently being tested on about twenty people, who enter their data directly into the application, which is very user friendly and works on smartphones as well.

The situation is constantly changing. As always, it is recommended to visit the website Updates-and communications   and to follow 17.30 the press conference on the Autonomous Province of Trento Facebook page (or on local TV).

Publication allowed by Ufficio stampa PAT., translation by Opera Universitaria

