In the press conference yesterday, President Maurizio Fugatti also spoke of the so-called "phase 2", that is, the reopening of economic activities and the reduction of the measures put in place to limit the movement of people. "We are aware - he said - that people are fed up with staying at home. We receive many solicitations in this regard. Today we had an interesting meeting with Dr. Stefano Merler of FBK. He showed us, through some mathematical models, that any reopening will entail a limited increase in the contagion, slightly higher if we intervene on individual freedoms. This is why we are working, with the involvement of everyone, from economic categories to trade unions, as well as with all sectors of the Province, to start again limiting health risks as much as possible. We must develop our own phase 2, specific for Trentino, finding a balance between the risk of increasing the spread of the infection and the need to return to work and live".
Traduzione a cura di Opera Universitaria