First of all, individual sport or physical activity outdoors will be allowed in the whole territory of the Province and, more generally, of the Trentino-Alto Adige Region. It is still mandatory to maintain the interpersonal distance of at least two meters for the sporting activity and at least a meter for any other activity. Individual sport is also allowed at sports facilities or centers, where specific prescriptions and guidelines are in force.
In order to do sports or physical activities outdoors, including reaching sports facilities or centers, it is also allowed to travel by public or private transport. Not completely self-sufficient people and minors are allowed to do sports or motor activities with an accompanying person.
As for the second homes, the president announced that it will be possible to reach second homes and stay there for more days, with one's family members throughout the provincial and regional territory. Second homes also include campers, caravans or boats. The other important change concerns grocery shopping. From today it will be possible to go grocery shopping at stores throughout the provincial and regional territory. The same applies to food takeaway business. Finally, concerning vegetable gardens and farmland, It is allowed to reach them freely and not only once a day with one's family members. Visits to cemeteries, throughout the region, are also considered among the permitted movements.
Traduzione a cura di Opera Universitaria