Lunedì, 20 Aprile 2020 - 11:00 Comunicato 825

Mask Mandatory in All Commercial Establishments. Stationery Shops Reopen Today.

The number of people who contracted Coronavirus in Trentino rose to 4183, of these 1124 were infected in nursing homes. Yesterday - Sunday 19 April - 12 deaths were recorded, of which 10 in the nursing homes. 86 new infections, 22 in the nursing homes, of which 78 verified through swab administration.1276 swabs were administered. The total number of deaths rises to 360. 1201 people recovered from the beginning of the pandemic, while 41 patients are in ICU and 1611are in home care. The numbers are in progressive decline.
Although always heavy from the point of view of deaths, the numbers confirm the stabilization of the infection, with a percentage between infections and swabs administered equal to 6.7%.

In the press conference yesterday, the President of the Province Maurizio Fugatti also addressed the reopening. "We are getting so many requests - he said - and we are evaluating them, but we must take into account the decisions taken by the Government. We have autonomously decided, among the first in Italy, to reopen the outdoor construction sites, taking full responsibility for it. As you know - added Fugatti - we are working with a team of experts who constantly cooperates with all economic categories and trade unions to implement new legislative initiative. To support Trentino economy, the team also coordinates with the minorities in the Provincial Council, which requires a strong bureaucratic simplification. We are reflecting on people mobility, but it is necessary to deal with the scientific evaluations that are provided at national level. "

Today a new ordinance comes into force, which allows the reopening of children's clothing stores and stationery stores (not bookstores). The ordinance also establishes the obligation to use the mask in all commercial establishments.


Traduzione a cura di Opera Universitaria

