Domenica, 01 Giugno 2014 - 02:00 Comunicato 1316


Technological transformation and cultural openness to change were the focus of attention this evening at the Teatro Sociale in Trento, where Vittorio Colao, Chief Executive Officer of the Vodafone Group, was called on to talk about the ability of public and private sector organisations to adapt, react and cause change in the era of globalisation. Can experimentation and changes in models contribute towards improving society? On what timescale and with which agreed guarantees? The session covered these and many other topics, thanks to the questions asked by Sarah Varetto, Director of Sky Tg24.-

They began by talking about European politics. "The British electoral results", Colao said "should be taken seriously throughout Europe; it is a very strong signal that should be grasped and understood. It is necessary to be practical and to think about what concessions to make in order to allow Cameron to be convinced of his participation in Europe". If there are things that it is necessary to do to make the European message more attractive, then they should be done, according to Colao. "There are underlying questions", he said "such as young people and job creation, that must be dealt with". However, Europe also means values and prospects. Bureaucracy needs to be reduced and the specific characteristics of excellence of individual states need to be saved. For example the British are proud of their legal system and this must be borne in mind. "If we are not together we are small, whereas united we can offer a vision for future years", added Colao. However, it is necessary to be practical and not ideological, he reiterated. On the subject of unemployment, it emerged that in Europe a million jobs will be created shortly in the field of ICT, which will not however all be covered. The point, it emerged, is to direct specialist training to sectors which can give rise to employment. In Italy there is a system in which investment in young people is very difficult, Colao revealed. "Quotas for women in the field of employment are useful", he added. "They help to force change. From this point of view Italy is better placed than other countries". So what are the young Italians who present themselves to multinational companies like? For Colao "they work hard and well and those who go abroad have a greater desire to take on challenges". In answer to the question of whether the Italian ruling class is ready for innovation, the manager recounted the example of the current chief of the New Zealand police, who when he was not yet chief decided to try out new weapons and experiment with IT support, to better manage information and make the service more efficient; since then they have reduced crime by 7.5%. "In Italy there is little experimentation" he added "and too much ideological debate around change, when instead it would be possible to try out something new". -