The event allowed to focus again the attention on a peculiar "experiment of diplomacy" and cross-border cooperation – the Euregion Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino - that has for several years been able to successfully facilitate the dialogue and the cooperation among three Italian and Austrian Regions that share the common historical background of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
President Rossi explained that the Euregio is experimenting an innovative multi-level governance model. A model that foresees a transfer of sovereignty to the European institutions, but, at a time of an increasingly global world, requires the aknowledgement that concrete answers must be given to the needs of citizens and that these can only come through a greater role to be played by regional institutions and local autonomies.
Concrete examples of cooperation areas within the Euregio were mentioned by President Rossi: management of the immigration flows, protection of the environment, sustainable transport via the Brenner base-tunnel - which will be completed by 2026, and integrated mobility especially for the young people of the three territories.
A Euregio implementing concrete actions to fulfill the real needs of its citizens, focused on its own projects but aware of what is happening in Europe. And it is thinking about Catalonia and right from the heart of Europe, that President Rossi, referring to the experience of the Euregio wanted to recall that it is still possible to "enhance the value of the autonomy of territories in the context of National States, but with a perspective that also goes beyond the national borders".
President Rossi's visit to brussels continued today with his participation as a speaker to the conference “What role for EUSALP in the future?” organised by the consortium “EUSALP – Shaping the future of the Alpine Region” and included in the program of the European Week of Regions and Cities, as well as with a meeting with Antonio Tajani President of the European Parliament.