Yesterday a video conference with the presidents of the Regions was held. The working group is coordinated by the governors of Lombardy, Emilia Romagna and Sicily, who will interact with the government to structure the so-called "phase two", that of the restarting. As for Trentino, it was proposed to envisage a gradual and prudent reopening, characterized by responsibility. It is therefore recommended to the entire population to stay home for Easter and Easter Monday. The hypothesis is that the reopening of some activities may be expected shortly. In particular outdoor industrial activities such as quarries, forest and road construction sites, river maintenance sites. As well as those activities belonging to artisans working alone, a proposal that the three governors are taking into serious consideration. As for the resources that the government will allocate to each region, Fugatti has announced that a part will be destined for those who worked on the front lines during this emergency.
With regard to the shortage of gloves reported in some supermarkets, it is a problem of supply, as it is difficult to find gloves on the market. In the short term, efforts will be made solve the issue by means of a more thorough sanitation of the shopping carts.
Happy Easter to all the students of our university as well, including those who are far from their homes.
Traduzione a cura di Opera Universitaria