The president of the Province Maurizio Fugatti reported on a video-conference-meeting with the mayors of the 5 most affected municipalities of Trentino, namely Vermiglio, Canazei, Campitello di Fassa, Borgo Chiese, Pieve di Bono -Price. "It was decided, in agreement with the police and the mayors - he reported - that in these municipalities, given the situation, police and carabinieri controls on compliance with the restrictive measures will be intensified. A technical committee coordinated by the police commissioner Cracovia will start tomorrow. At the same time, we decided that we will provide with masks the inhabitants of these five municipalities starting from tomorrow, and that they will be the first to experiment with the serological tests ".
Finally, the President reminded that he had signed two new ordinances, one that extends until April 13 the restrictive measures (additional to the national ones) such as the closure of parks and cycle paths. The other ordinance concerns the deferment, until 30 September, of taxes to be paid to local authorities.
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