The peak of the epidemic, as stated by the heads of the provincial company for health services, should have been reached, even if "the number of cases will drop very slowly". However, it is necessary to raise danger level awareness on flu syndrome, through the help of the family doctor. The strategy is to monitor all the people who are experiencing a flu syndrome these days because the "seasonal" flu has concluded its course. Currently, 9 out of 10 times, having the flu right now means having been infected with the Coronavirus.
The president of the Autonomous Province of Trento Maurizio Fugatti met the world of cooperation in order to agree on an ad hoc intervention to allow lower prices, especially for foodstuffs, and to give more value to the products made in Trentino. The appeal to citizens is to go to the stores closest to home, including small grocery stores in small towns. He made a strong call for compliance with the rules, especially for people in quarantine, who must strictly observe the duty of staying at home in isolation. A list of quarantined people will also be drawn up to strengthen assistance and control measures.
Yesterday, the director of the Healthcare Agency Paolo Bordon took stock of the experimentation of new drugs, reminding that Trentino asked to be included in the circuit of subjects who can carry out the experimentation: "At the moment - he said - we are using Tocilizumab according to the Aifa protocol, we asked Aifa to start also with Avigam, and we should start using it shortly, as well as for Remdesivir".
Traduzione a cura di Opera Universitaria di Trento