Tomorrow the decision on the provincial maneuver
Coronavirus: deaths still decreasing
In Trentino, a total of 4041 people have contracted Coronavirus, of which 1100 have been infected within nursing homes. Yesterday 5 deaths were recorded, of which one occurred within a nursing home, one at home, two in hospitals (though they concern people previously hosted in nursing homes). Finally, one of the deaths concerns one of the patients from Bergamo, who was admitted to hospital facilities in Trentino. 34 new infections were recorded yesterday, of which 28 verified through swab and 9 located within nursing homes. 612 swabs were administered. Among the new infected people there is also a minor, who is in quarantine at home.
The number of people who died since the beginning of the emergency rose to 381. People currently in ICU are in progressive decline, they are 34, while 1539 are in solitary confinement at home.
Tomorrow the provincial government will examine the law proposal to support the Trentino economy. “We are consulting with everyone, with economic categories and trade unions, and with the political forces present in the Council. - explained President Maurizio Fugatti. In the law proposal will include financial assistance for those who have not been able to work, workers, professionals, small business owners. In addition, we will also intervene on bureaucratic simplification, so that those who return to work can do it quickly. We are also talking to the government and parliamentary forces - he added - to support agriculture. I take this opportunity to remind you of the importance, in this period, of consuming Trentino products ".
Traduzione a cura di Opera Universitaria