Regarding the latest government decree announced by the President of the Council Conte, which provides for a series of progressive reopening starting from 4 May, the governor of Trentino Maurizio Fugatti said "we are very perplexed on some matters. It is not clear, for example, why some work activities, such as bars, restaurants, and beauticians, should restart in June. By now citizens and entrepreneurs are fully aware that to return to work it is necessary to put in place all the measures to guarantee the safety of workers and users. Any new infections related to the reopenings scheduled for May 4th will be verified in 10, a maximum of 14 days. Therefore, there is no need to wait until June 1st, there is no scientific reason. For these businesses, extending the closure could mean bankruptcy. We must have more confidence in the sense of responsibility of entrepreneurs. For this reason, we will ask the government for the possibility to reopen bars, restaurants, and beauticians before June. As for the rest, we are analyzing the government decree, in order to evaluate whether some decreases in the restricting measures on personal freedoms can be applied earlier than May 4th ".
President Fugatti then announced that the topic on the agenda, considering that the school will reopen in September, but that many work activities will start again in May, is to help working families with children. "We are thinking about vouchers for babysitters, parental leave, and about how to organize summer camps".
Traduzione a cura di Opera Universitaria