It is also forbidden "to all people to move by public or private transportation from the municipality in which they are currently located, except for proven work needs, or for urgent health reasons". The restrictions on travel are therefore extended, both with public and private transport; as the previous decree allowed to return to one's home or domicile.
“I want to thank the Trentino people for the spirit with which they are facing this trial” - said the president Maurizio Fugatti during the daily press conference. “We know how difficult it is to change one's lifestyle. In this month I can say that the people of Trentino have shown that they are sympathetic and supportive, and that thay demonstrated, as they have always done in their history, a great civic sense. We are committed to trying to increase the number of tampons on our territory, especially to keep safe those who work in the health sector, to whom we are also trying to guarantee the necessary protections, in terms of antivirus masks and gowns. We are confronting this as a national problem, each day with the government and with the other regions ".
Updated information on the website https://www.ufficiostampa.provincia.tn.it/CORONAVIRUS- Updates-and- communications
Traduzione a cura di: Opera Universitaria di Trento.