President Maurizio Fugatti reported about a videoconference meeting between the Minister for Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia and the Presidents of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces. "We asked the Minister, in agreement with the Autonomous Province of Bolzano - said Fugatti - the suspension for two years of the financial agreements envisaged by the Milan Agreement of 2009 and by the Guarantee Pact of 2014, through which Trentino participates to the consolidation of national public accounts, with a contribution, every year, of approximately 430 million." In this situation - added Fugatti - because of the forecast of a clear contraction of the provincial budget, equal to about 390 million, we can no longer continue to guarantee this commitment, having to support, with the taxes of the Trentino, all the skills that are at our expenses. We also asked the Minister for the possibility of increasing the debt, in derogation from the national rules. The minister took note of the requests, and he will inform us within 15 days. We are confident, even because our ability to intervene in support of economic activities in Trentino will depend on these answers ".
Traduzione a cura di Opera Universitaria