It is not yet known when it will be possible to enter the so-called "phase 2", which everyone is waiting for. Surely - say the experts - life will not immediately go back to what it was before, our everyday life will be different. Specifically, to encourage the restarting, Trentino has put in place a series of important actions in support of the economy and the employment, grouped under the telling name of "Riparti Trentino". These are a set of contributions, incentives, and payment extensions aimed at businesses and families to deal with this difficult moment caused by the Covid-19 emergency (info on: www.ripresatrentino.provincia.tn.it ).
Doctor Ferro became a well-known face of the Trentino Health Authority. He has been holding live video conferences every day at 5.30 pm on the Facebook profile of the Autonomous Province of Trento. Yesterday he spoke about vaccines and new drugs: "The vaccine currently being tested in the United States will be administered to around forty volunteers," he said. - For the moment it has given good results on animals. However, the timing required is that of other vaccines, if the experimentation is successful, it will take 12-18 months for it to be made available on the market". Ferro also answered a question on how the infection spreads: "Today we recorded about 100 cases. 15 come from nursing homes, 14 are in the emergency room, these are certainly people who were already infected and have worsened, so their infection dates back to about fifteen days ago. 70 remain, of which about half are due to a contagion in the family environment. For the rest it is difficult to find the cause, the contact took place externally, extemporaneously and in public environments. The latter are the most complicated cases, those that make us remind you how fundamental it is to stay at home ".
Traduzione a cura di Opera Universitaria